Member Discounts & Promos
We are so happy to be able to share some amazing offers that are exclusive to the Creative Roots community
Exclusive Offers & Codes
Price with Confidence
Business of Creativity 2024 Workshop
Aura McKay has kindly provided all members with a $50 discount! Simply use the code CreativeRoots50 at check-out to apply the savings to your cart.
Business Accelerator Mastermind
Business of Creativity Mastermind
Aura McKay has kindly provided all members with $50 off their first month! Simply use the code CreativeRoots50 at check-out to apply the savings to your cart.
Affiliate Links
Client Management
You will receive 20% off your purchase when you use our affiliate link here.
Contracts Market
Legal Contracts
Every purchase made through our unique link, will earn us a 20% commission that goes towards running the Creative Roots Community.
Logo Package Express
Illustrator Extension
Every purchase made through our unique link, will earn us a 30% commission that goes towards running the Creative Roots Community.
Online Coding Resources & Course
Every purchase made through our unique link, will earn us a $100.00 commission that goes towards running the Creative Roots Community.
Emely Merchena Spreadsheets
Automated Notion Form for Tracking & Projecting
Every purchase made through our unique link, will earn us a 10% commission that goes towards running the Creative Roots Community.
Emely Merchena Spreasheets
Automated Google Sheets for Tracking & Projecting
Every purchase made through our unique link, will earn us a 10% commission that goes towards running the Creative Roots Community.